AGILENOMICS™ Newsletter – November–December 2019

Wooden walkway in lake under orange sunset

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USPTO Registration Certificates issued in November, 2019.

November 2019 marked another historic milestone in the journey of launching the AGILENOMICS™ brand. After a significant amount of collaboration throughout 2019 with our web developers Rolla Creative, LLC, the website qualified for a USPTO trademark registration for classes 042 and 035. With this formal registration, the AGILENOMICS™ brand has graduated to a new level of recognition in the marketplace. It will take some time to update our website by replacing the ™ symbol with the newly approved ® symbol, but this project will be done in the new year 2020. Any published material with dates prior to November of 2019 will not be updated.

The work is not over though. Our focus for the upcoming months will remain on expanding our training course library, and automating on-line learning for our student base. There are many course ideas in the pipeline, and they are all based on our market-level observation of contemporary needs and gaps that are in demand. Offering differentiation in the marketplace is also a key strategy for our brand. We solve niche problems. We will not attempt to reinvent the wheel or repackage training that is already prevalent in the marketplace. We focus on soul-searching transformation, and reinventing entire mindsets. Our courses are based on many years of real consulting experience, and are backed by multiple real world case studies. These case studies are prevalent and relate to our students, because even though the specifics of a particular case study are unique, the underlying patterns and root causes are shared across multiple organizations. We whole-heartedly believe that students of history will be less inclined to repeat bad history. As we expand our brand in 2020, we will continue to hold the above principles in mind. We desire differentiation with meaning. We desire brand name recognition based on client results. Our motto “Practicality. Common Sense. Agile.” is not just a slogan. All clients prefer practicality over complexity, common sense over questionable practices, and finally the ability to collaborate, learn, and adapt efficiently along the way of any corporate journey (a.k.a. the Agile mindset).

Retrospective on the year 2019

As we reflect on a successful 2019, we focus on 3 categories of learning. Of course, the classic “what went well” and “what didn’t go so well”, but there is a 3d category that we are focusing on called “where is this market heading”?

In our successes column, our owner J. Margetis attended 3 conferences in 2019: Agile XP in Montreal, Agile 2019 in Washington D.C. and Agile DC in Washington D.C. We also launched the website, which put us on the digital map.

We also issued our first official AGILENOMICS™ certifications for students completing the Preserving the Agile Mindset in 3d Party Contracts course. We have published 3 newsletters in 2019, several other educational publications, all of which can be found on the website.

On our “what didn’t go so well” category, it became apparent that we will have to refocus our marketing strategy in 2020, in order to increase awareness for our course offerings, etc.

Finally, attending 3 industry conferences during this past year allowed us the opportunity to research on a very fundamental question – “where is this Agile industry heading”? It is clear that 2019 was a pivotal year in trying to stabilize the elusive definition of “Business Agility”, with several players and competitors offering their own definitions and methodologies. Every conference we attended had vivid discussions and printed material on the subject, yet there is still work to be done to converge opinions on this matter.
On the concept of scaling enterprise Agility, the big players continue to innovate and release new platforms and course materials. It is unclear in our view if the drastic changes in some of these platforms that were announced in 2019 are going to result in additional
“client fatigue” during 2020, but this is the exact space where we at Chrysinou Consulting LLC thrive, so our consistent message about Practicality and Common Sense prevails whenever clients feel reluctant to engage in what they perceive to be a complex and cumbersome



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