AGILENOMICS™ Newsletter –July-August 2020

Our 10-Lesson Online Course Became Available on August 27th, 2020
After several months of BETA testing and refurbishing of the Value-Side Thinking and Economic Decision-Making course, we are pleased to see it available in Production.
At this time we would like to publicly thank our entire BETA testing team as well as our two college interns (Thomas and Nathan V.) who were extremely valuable in providing feedback, recommendations, and editing. This day would not have been possible without their help.
The AGN-PR (AGILENOMICSTM Practitioner Certification is now available for everyone in the industry. As a reminder, this course covers the fundamental philosophy and approach behind what we call the “Bottom-Line Agility” Mindset. By looking at all corporate spending as an investment, and by bringing in the Investor’s perspective, the case studies in this course are designed to disrupt legacy and current thinking, and raise awareness to the fundamental question of “What is really the definition of Value”?
We are looking forward to student feedback as more and more individuals implement what they learn in this course at their place of work. We hope to publish more case studies and experience reports as individuals share their experiences on our blog.
In our last Newsletter, we announced that our second AGILENOMICS™ course “Revisiting the PMO in an Agile World” was in line to become our second online course.
In the spirit of Agile, we made an executive decision to launch another course first: “Human Resources as a Facilitator of Agility”. This decision was made due to the fact that the cycle time to market for the HR course was expected to be 50% of the cycle time for delivery of the “Revisiting the PMO in an Agile World” course.
The new target release timeframe for our PMO course is somewhere in the December 2020 – January 2021 timeframe.
The “Human Resources as a Facilitator of Agility” course will consist of 4 Lessons:
- Human Resources and the Agile Mindset
- Facilitating Agile Transformations via Annual Goals and Objectives
- Facilitating Leadership Mindset Transformation via Employee Engagement
- Facilitating Enterprise Mindset Onboarding Governance
Human Resources is the “Sleeping Giant” of Agile Transformations, in our opinion. The function one that by its own nature is committed to neutrality and unbiased trust. These are also the exact characteristics of an ideal Agile facilitator. Leveraging this underutilized potential is one of the ways to bridge the gaps that exist between the “current state” of many Corporations, and a future state that brings them closer to “Utopian Agility”.
Human Resources already have tools and processes in place to assist with Agile and Mindset Transformation in general. Our course highlights real-world case studies and experiments to illustrate this fact. Articles about similar experiments that have already been published are cited in the course as reinforcement. In fact, one of these experience reports that was presented in May of 2019 at the XP2019 conference in Montreal uses the words “ Accelerate an Agile Transformation…” in its title. See the full experience report link at:
Change is never easy, but the business case for change already exists. Even though some of the proposals in our course may seem bold to some, history suggests that innovation has never succeeded without a degree of boldness.
Perhaps the most interesting concept that the “HR as a Facilitator of Agility” course introduces is that the framework to hold management accountable for changing their mindset has ALWAYS existed, but hasn’t really been leveraged.
We look forward to posting future experience reports as submitted by our students, because we fully expect the application of these concepts in the real world will yield game-changing case studies.
At Chrysinou Consulting, LLC, our objectives remain focused. We desire to innovate. We desire to disrupt legacy thinking with practical examples and common-sense solutions. Our motto “Practicality. Common-Sense. Bottom Line Agile.” is inspired by our core beliefs.